Project Warmth – Please Help

It’s that time again folks. Project Warmth is in its 3rd Year and I could REALLY REALLY use your help this year. The needy population certainly is not dwindling, at least not around here. I do my best to provide them with warm scarves and hats and blankets, and for the kids at school, earwarmers and mittens. But its expensive, and its time consuming, and its never enough. With your help, I can do more. To Donate, please go HERE.  UPDATE!!!!  Kickstarter is no longer hosting this campaign as they do not do “cause projects”.  (that’s the only reason – view correspondence HERE.)   I’m looking into other services such as First Giving.  *** Alternatively, donations are being accepted via PayPal using the address: ***     ~  A proper receipt will be issued. ~

Thank you again! ❤  Keep Reading for More Information ~


Here’s my Story:

It’s summer, and its too darned hot and muggy. But not long from now it will be a bitterly cold winter here. Unbearably cold!  I’m not complaining. I have a roof over my head. I have food in my belly. I have warm clothes and shelter from the storm. I have a small apartment and the love of my little grandbabies whom I care for here every day. I have what I need.

But each day as I shuttle my grandchildren to and from school it pains me to see little children waiting outside in the cold wind and rain with not so much as a hat, scarf or pair of mittens to ward off the chill. Their little fingers are stiff and clumsy. They shuffle and shiver in an attempt for warmth.

As I leave school and head off for my drive-through morning coffee (mocha please, no sugar) I pass not one, not two, but several homeless men and women, some headed downtown, some headed for the park, some seeking shelter in the local diner, all carrying their world on their backs. Perhaps they were fortunate enough to have found shelter in a church basement for the night, perhaps not. Times are hard. Jobs are scarce. Believe me I know. But as I said, I have what I need.


I’m not going to get into a discussion here about how and why homeless people and homeless families exist in my community and yours. There are a myriad of reasons, we all know that.  Suffice it to say that the majority of homeless and near homeless that I’ve spoken to here are in that situation through circumstances beyond their control. A job loss, the death of a spouse, unexpected and unfathomable medical bills. Sure, those are not the only reasons. Regardless of the reason, they are suffering. Their kids are suffering. They are embarrassed, some are hopeless, some seek help, some hide in shame.  Despite all the government assistance that we believe is out there, for some, one reason or another its not accessible. The churches and the Salvation Army do what they can, but for the most part, they can only a offer a weekday soup kitchen and bed for a night or two.  I’ve met men and women who live in the woods at the end of town. I’ve met families that still have a roof over their heads but no heat in their homes. I’ve seen them in the food pantries. I’ve seen them pulling wagons through the snow, loaded with everything they own in this world. I’ve seen them outside the Home Depot and Lowe’s trying to find work for the day. I’ve seen them in the laundromat trying to stay warm out of the rain or snow.  It’s hard to ignore. Their children go to school with your children. Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t. The problem exists and we cannot wish it away.


So I need to do something. But what can I do? I am not a wealthy person. I cannot offer any of these families space in my home. But I do know how to crochet. Pretty darned well if I do say so myself. And I do know how to make warm hats and scarves and mittens and blankets. I believe that we should all do what we can to hold up one another to the best of our ability. If the only thing I can do is help someone stay a little warmer over the winter, then that’s what I’ll do. And so I do. Each year. I hope you’ll help me.

Each year I spend the autumn days and nights making as many hats and scarves and mittens and baby blankets as I possibly can.  When it starts to get really cold outside, I take what I’ve been able to create to schools, to the parks and downtown. I offer what I can to those who need it a lot more than I do. Teachers have been very helpful over the last couple of winters, taking bags of hats, scarves and mittens and giving them to the children who come to school without.  They have been a real blessing.

Over the past few years, after I’ve exhausted my ability to purchase supplies and tools, I have asked our community members to donate whatever yarn they might have laying around their homes and they’ve been quite helpful.  But donations have dwindled, and I know from what I see, the homeless and needy population has not.

I am capable of making much more than I’ve been able to in the past, simply because I didn’t have the supplies. I’m planning on starting early this year. It takes time. It takes money. Time I have…money, not so much. If I am going to help those less fortunate than myself this winter, I’m going to need supplies. I’m going to need tools. I’m going to need gas for my truck so I can get the items to those who need them most.

If things work out well, perhaps there will be enough to invite other needleworkers to join me. I sincerely hope so.

You can follow the progress of this project on My Blog .

So here I am, asking you to help me help them. I hope you will.

Thank you so much for reading and considering lending a helping hand. Any little bit can help and is greatly appreciated. If each of us plants a seed in the end a tree will grow.

Thank you again,




P.S. Pets need to keep warm too.



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