Project Warmth ~ Update

Yay!!!  Today I received 2 skeins of yarn today from a friend for Project Warmth.

Thank you Ernie!

It’s a start, and as I’ve said, every little bit counts….yes it does!

Project Warmth in a Nutshell:

For last year’s photos and more information on what Project Warmth is and how you can HELP, please see THIS POST in My Blog.

Every year for the past three years I’ve gathered yarn and other textiles, along with various tools of the trade, and fashioned warm cozy accessories for the less fortunate and homeless families in our community.  In the beginning, donations came in sporadically, but even that has dwindled. Of course I buy what supplies I can myself, but its never enough. This year I’m asking for whatever little bit of help you can send my way in the form of donations. You can send supplies or money to purchase supplies, either way, it will be a big help.


Sharing or passing along in any way would be truly appreciated.