Does Size Matter?

Hi All,

I know, I sucked you in with that provocative title, didn’t I?

All apologies. It’s not what you think.

Thing is, I’ve been trying to find a mannequin or a dressmaker’s form to use as a model for some of the crocheted items and jewelry that I make. I cannot, for the life of me, find one that I like. Or I should say, one that I like, and that I can afford, all at the same time. I am looking for eclectic, like me. SOOooooo… I thought, why not make one? And so I will.

While pondering how to go about this little (not so little) project, it dawned on me that the mannequins or forms I’ve seen are all a ridiculously unreal size 2, or 4 or something teentsy weentsy like that. That’s unrealistic, at least in my world. Yours?  That brought to mind a question:  what size is “normal”?  Well, of course, I know there is no “normal”….we’re all different and all beautiful in our own right. I wondered what size to make my form?  I have no idea!  Thus, I need to ask a very personal question of you:  What Size Are You?

I’m no dummy! I know that if I just toss that question out there, your likely reaction will be:  “Pffffttt! Like I’d tell you!”  I know it!  So maybe, I thought, if I create a poll where you all can answer totally anonymously, I’d get some bites?  Would you? If I ask nicely?  I’d really truly appreciate it.

If you can find it in your heart to share among your friends, it would be such a help, I can’t begin to tell you.

Thanks so much for reading. I hope to see you soon!

Be Sound,



Here’s the Poll.  You may choose up to 3 answers, or define your own.  Thanks again!



Simple Earth Creations Etsy Shop

All Week..and More!

Starts Today  (11/23) 1:00 PM until Dec. 2nd at 11 PM.

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Easy Homemade Ketchup

Shared from Momypotamus’s Page

Easy and Yummy


Quick Homemade Ketchup

Quick Homemade Ketchup


To Make

1. Place all ingredients in a small pot/pan and whisk together.

2. Place on the stove and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until reduced to the consistency you prefer. Store in the fridge.

Shelf life: Many online recipes for homemade ketchup say they last in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. For batches that have a longer shelf life, try fermenting.

Quick Homemade Ketchup | The Mommypotamus | organic SAHM sharing her family stories and recipes.

Cozy Cuddly & Cute! Handmade for Your Precious

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Cozy Cuddly and Cute!  Handmade for Your Precious One

25% Of ALL PROCEEDS Goes to Project Warmth

Toddler Girls Handmade 3-pc Crochet Winter Warmer Set (Scarf, Hat, Ear-Warmers)

More photos available at