Blessings Bags ~ Pay It Forward

If you know me at all, or if you follow this blog, you probably know that even though I’m limited in what I can offer, that I do what I can to help those less fortunate than myself. And they are numerous. The homeless and near homeless population in our area is alarming. It’s sad. And for the children, heartbreaking.


With what I have at hand or can gather from those who’ve heard, I run my little Project Warmth each year around this time. For the homeless or very needy, especially for the children, I make hats, scarves, mittens, baby blankets and whatever I can whip up.

This week I saw a new idea. I am not sure who to credit it to. It doesn’t seem like it should be such a novel brainstorm, but for me, well, I just hadn’t thought of it before. They are calling them Blessing Bags.


They are simply baggies, filled with a few basic necessities, and maybe a few tiny luxuries, kept in your car and handed to the homeless or needy. It’s a wonderful idea! So simple, yet it hadn’t even occurred to me before. Now that it has been planted in my brain, I intend to make up some to include with my Project Warmth goodies this season.

bag o bags

It won’t be a lot. I don’t have a lot to give. But I will give what I can. And if I give. And YOU give. And if you give and your friend gives, and their friend gives, look what happens in the world? You see?


You may have questions:  Who would I give them to you say? Where would I hand them out? Where do I find homeless people? Are there homeless people in my town?


The Answers are simple. Wherever there are people, there are people in need.  As an example, with Project Warmth, I’ve asked teachers to identify needy children and families and anonymously offer a gift of warmth. Schools are an excellent resource when looking for needy children. Stop in your local school and inquire of the Main Office Secretary or School Nurse. I’m sure they will be more than happy to help. There are privacy laws, however, so don’t expect to be given names. You may be able to enlist them to discretely send home your gifts anonymously.  You won’t get any credit for it, but do you really need it?  Fame is not why we do this, am I right? When I’m about town I see the old men on the benches near the community square, every day they are there, huddled and cold. Offer them there. If they refuse out of pride, simply leave them on the bench, wish them a good day and walk away. Guaranteed they’ll be appreciated when you are gone. Ask at your local church or community center, your local food banks, shelters and even the YMCA. All are good places to start. Stop in your city hall or police precinct. Its a given that the patrolmen know where to locate the homeless. You might even enlist the help of an officer or two.  Once you start looking, you may be amazed and dismayed at how many less fortunate there are among us.

The Ministries at Main Street Homeless Shelter houses 15-30 people per night during the winter months

County officials believe that there are more than 50-80 single adults living on the streets of Pottstown. (The Mercury)

In 2009, it is estimated that 749 people were homeless in Montgomery County. (The Mercury)

In Chester County, 1,109 people stayed in a homeless shelter at least once in 2009.( Chester County Department of Housing & Development)

On one night in Berks County, there were 513 homeless people, 13 of whom were unsheltered. (US HUD, 2010)

     County Officials believe there are 50-80 single adults living on the streets in the TriCounty Area

                In Pottstown School District, about 15 students could be considered homeless
                Source: “Left Out in the Cold,” Pottstown Mercury, March 20, 2007
There are some who chose not to come into a shelter but the 50-80 single adults number is in the county as a whole.
TCN Homeless Services Committee
TriCounty Community Network
260 High Street
Pottstown PA 19464
Google Search: “Homelessness + (your zip code)”  for your area’s Homeless Statistics


Ideas for Packing Your Blessings Bags

  • I’m sure you’ll come up with even better ideas, but here are some things I’ve thought to add:
  • toothpaste
  • tissues
  • soap
  • baby wipes
  • individual tylenol packets
  • cough drops
  • toothbrush
  • deck of cards
  • mini shampoo and conditioner
  • mini mouthwash
  • comb or brush
  • disposable razors
  • deodorant
  • mini powder
  • mini hand lotion
  • chap stick
  • individual fruit snacks like applesauce
  • peanut butter crackers (a bit of protein)
  • hand warmers
  • socks
  • mittens
  • ear muffs
  • face lotion
  • sun screen (even in winter)
  • bandaids
  • antiseptic or antibiotic cream
  • vaseline
  • cold tablets
  • raisins
  • peanuts
  • pen
  • small notepad
  • washcloth
  • tea bags
  • collapsible cup
  • sugar packets
  • candle
  • matches or lighter
  • roll of mints
  • pop top cans of tuna or potted meat
  • bottled water
  • juice mix packets
  • sewing needle and thread
  • aspirin
  • tampons (for the ladies)
  • nail clippers
  • cotton swabs
  • multivitamins
  • rubber bands
  • teeny tiny mini light, the kind with the battery already inside
  • lollipops (for the kids – they might actually need the sugary ones)
  • Little Luxuries for the Ladies like nail polish, mascara, lotions, body spray
  • Little Luxuries for the Gents like cologne, body spray, hair dressing, aftershave
  • Little Luxuries for the Kids like a small toy such as a yoyo, lollipops, pencil and small paper pad, crayons

I’m sure I’ve left out a lot of simple basics, but you can think of more. Let me know what your ideas are. Send in pictures. Let’s hear your story!

Thank you for reading.
Have a wonderful day!


Pay It Forward


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